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Old 05-09-2013, 08:36 AM   #1
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Location: lords valley, pa
Posts: 211
insuring a high priced build

Hey guys I am coming to the end of a build on my mach1 the engine and tranny blew when my ex drove it drunk as hell and managed to drive miles at the redline in first and second and downshift fourth to first, bounce off a couple trees and peirce the radiator breaking the tranny and causing the pistons to turn oval shaped. I had money saved since college for a new car but in a moment of bad judgement I wanted to keep the mach and replace the engine with something cool rather than buying a used 03 cobra. After having the blown motor bored, stroked, and beefed up (including intercooled supercharger and t56magnum xl tranny) I put an extra $32,000 into the car. The car has full coverage now but if it gets stolen or if I total it I get KBB value of like 5-7grand as the car has just under 100,000miles on the chassis. I am very worried about the loss I can incur should anything happen to the car. Does anybody have experience with any of the collector car insurance companies? The kind that give you a reduced rate because they have a low yearly mileage cap and you need to show that you have a garage and another car for daily driving? I would assume that their is a way to purchase extra insurance for the value of parts replaced on the car people that have 60's era restored mustangs I would think get them insured for the colletor value not the 1960 mustang BB value. I asked my local regular insurance agent and she has no such program can anybody point me in the direction of a company that does hot rods? Thanks a lot guys your input is always appreciated.
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