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Old 12-07-2007, 12:16 PM   #9
Free Thanks to the Brave!
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Re: December 7...let us not forget

Originally Posted by MachGirl04 View Post
Brought the country to its feet, very well said. It really saddens me that their numbers are dwindling, an outstanding group of guys. Bless them all.
Excellent point Angela. Be sure to thank a veteran today, because he might not be here tomorrow! We are SO not worthy.

As for the Japanese, they were indoctrinated as children that we were the devil and that was what drove them to fight so ferociously (death was better than the alternative). Hmmm, sounds familiar to what we're experiencing in the Middle East right now. Like blazinsteed said, read a little history. After the war, they realized how wrong their perception of us was and believe it or not they are one of our best allies. Explain to me why baseball is their national past time now otherwise? Forgiveness is the recipe for peace which us Americans have always embraced...heck, it was MacArthur that fought to keep the Emperor in place as he felt it was the best way to maintain the peace and stability and the Japanese loved him (and America in return) for it.

On the other hand, don't ask China what they think of Japan because they still haven't forgiven them for Manchuria and the unadulterated massacres that occured back in the 1930s. There has always been bad blood between them and probably always will....

Recovering Mach Addict
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