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Old 07-19-2007, 04:03 PM   #704
FstMach04's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 352
Re: Ask A Police Officer

Hello to any Georgia LEO, I have a couple quick questions. First off, I just recently moved out of town and decided to get a firearm and license for protection purposes. Sorry for my ignorance, but the laws seem a little blurry to me. When transporting a firearm in my vehicle, must it be obliviously stored or concealed somewhere, such as in the glove box? And, if I am stopped by a police officer, should I, or am I supposed to let him/her know that I have a firearm in the vehicle without them asking, or just if they ask? I wish these laws were a bit more clear, maybe some of you guys can offer some help. My other question is a little less important, but I've always wondered who was right. In the event that I am waiting to turn left at a traffic light which states "Yield On Green", and a car coming in the opposite direction is turning right (onto the same street I am turning onto) and there isn't a yield sign for them, who yields to who? I assume I would yield, at the traffic light and wait for them to turn right, even if the other traffic is clear. But what about if they have a yield sign too? My circumstance arose while turning left to get on the interstate and someone else was coming in the opposing direction, turning right to get onto the interstate. My light was green (not an arrow, just the green light) and states yield on green. But they also had a yield sign. Who yields to who? Just curious, if there was a wreck, who is at fault??? Sorry so long!
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