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Old 10-03-2003, 09:40 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Tanklawyer
Since you've already done it, my advice is a bit untimely. However, my advice WOULD have been this:

DO IT! Sure, I paid a whole bunch more in December than I would have now, but the last nine months with the Mach have been great. I've said it before, but every day I leave my office and walk up to the Mach in the parking garage, I get a huge smile on my face. Doesn't matter how bad or crazy the day has been. Seeing that shaker, and realizing that in a few minutes I'll have 305 (yeah, right, 305, LOL) ponies at my command, and that with a blip of the accelerator my shaker will dance to the right -- makes the stress of the day disappear. And I've noticed that each morning when I get out of the car and head for the elevator, I look back at the car. I don't do this on purpose -- I just noticed that I do it each day. Look back and smile.

So, waiting is just not an option. Would I like a lower car payment? More bread in my pocket? Sure. Would I have traded the last nine months of driving bliss for a few grand? NO WAY.

Good luck next week. You're going to be one happy guy.


P.S. Post photos! Can't wait to see the Comp. Orange!
thanks for the msg, but I'm not getting the Comp. Orange. The deal my brother-in-law gave me was on a 03, I told him red and he found one at another dealer. I called him today and he has it on the lot now!!! 47 miles on it and 35 of thoughs was getting it to his lot. I saw some comp. orange GT's and they look good. The orange is alittle pale but looks good. I guess I need to change my name, lol
white lemans, side stripes
delta 40 flows
mrt shifter
mac o/r h-pipe
super 40s
chrome saleens
18x10s, 18x9s
No matter how fast you are..there's always somebody faster...that somebody is...."me"
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