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Old 02-02-2006, 12:13 AM   #189
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 24
Re: Ask A Police Officer

This is a great thread. I have a question regarding when a DUI/wreckless driving is witnessed. I had all kinds of thoughts run through my head the other night on my way home when I saw some jack*** swerving all over the road, coming into other peoples lanes, etc. I don't know if the driver was drunk, or just some punk trying to show off to his friend or girlfriend (it was ricer afterall, Celica). It almost seem to exagerated to be drunk, but I am no professional... Anyway, is there anything that can be done besides calling it in? It took a little over 8 minutes for a response time, which is good I guess, as it was out in "rural" area, but yet it is a well traveled road, and he made at least 15 cars that I counted have to evasive action to avoid a wreck. I realize that any forceful action taken by a civilian driver could amount to more damage and/or casualities, but if there was an opening, and other drivers were now keeping distance, and I was in my beater......could I do anything and have any legal grounds? Afterall, the driver is endangering my life, as well as others....I don't know, maybe a stupid question but I really wanted to run him off the road and then beat him down for being an idiot driver, or a drunk driver, whatever the case was. Or at least block him somehow...
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