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Old 07-19-2004, 09:04 PM   #3
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Boulder
Posts: 685
Nice link

The testers remarked that the tone quality was very pleasant and gave the Mach 1 an authoritative note without an ear shattering loudness.

Everyone who's heard my car with the 'Flows on likes them. A couple of buddies who really aren't too high on the Mach loved the sound of the Flows. They aren't enough for a lot of people, but they are plenty loud for me.

That write up claiming a 12rwhp/8rwt gain from the Flows is consistent with my seat of the pants assesement. The car just seems to run a little stronger. The change in the A/F ratio's may explain why it seemed to run better with the Flows after I disconnected the battery to reset the computer.
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