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Old 08-02-2020, 01:22 PM   #2
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Re: Vent and a/c air smells like a$$

Originally Posted by laffstang View Post
I spent a lot of time wondering if I should ask this question, but here goes: Has anyone experienced their a/c or vent air smelling like crap- literally? Ever since I got the Mach out of storage this spring, every time I turn the fan on, it smells like I'm driving by a cattle farm. It doesn't matter if it's vent, a/c or max a/c. Does anyone have a clue as to what it might be?
sounds like maybe something nested and/or died in the HVAC system? i'd say replace the cabin air filter but i'm pretty sure the mustangs didn't have one until 2005. you can drop the blower motor out of the box and check for any foreign weirdness up in there as's held in with a few screws above the front passengers feet (there are videos on youtube for a quick guide if you are unfamiliar). fresh air is pulled through the wiper cowl, but the max a/c setting should put the hvac system into recirculate mode so if you are still experiencing the smell it may not be the source. i would recommend setting the hvac for recirc (or max a/c) before shutting it off to store it for the winter to keep anything from getting in through the fresh air blend door in the future.
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