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-   -   Do You Give Money To Street People? (http://www.mach1registry.org/forums/showthread.php?t=135251)

Thunderbolt 06-11-2016 10:51 PM

Do You Give Money To Street People?
I've absolutely had it up to my eyeballs with these people. At intersections, at convenience stores, at gas stations, at the grocery store, outside of fast food places. I wish they would make this illegal, like in Las Vegas.

Why would you give money away when you don't even know where your money is going? If you feel so giving, then give your money to a legitimate charity. At least then you know your money will be put to good use.

And don't fall for the "Veteran" ploy. Yeah, maybe some of them are actual veterans, but I busted one guy cold. He asked me how he could convince me he's a military member so I would give him gas money to get to his military base. I told him to show me his military I.D. His answer: "I left it at home". Anyone that served in the military knows you absolutely never go anywhere without your military I.D. BUSTED!!

NTMAREMACH 06-11-2016 11:14 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
Here's an article that was in a local paper the other day. The problem is everywhere.

EDITORIAL: Help a panhandler -- just say no
Sentinel & Enterprise
UPDATED: 06/11/2016 08:55:02 AM EDT

Jun 6:
Residents: Fitchburg, Leominster stepping up to stop begging
Jun 3:
Twin Cities seek help in deterring panhandling
"Just Say No." The anti-drug slogan that first lady Nancy Reagan spawned in 1982 has been adopted unofficially by the cities of Fitchburg and Leominster.

Only the Twin Cities want you to just say no to panhandling. More specifically, they want you to just say no to panhandlers who ask for money.

That's because cities cannot legally just say no to panhandling. Municipalities such as Worcester and Lowell have tried that, and their ordinances were struck down on the grounds of free speech.

So Fitchburg and Leominster are trying a different approach, targeting the panhandlers' supply source -- people perhaps like you who have a spare dollar or change in your pocket that you're willing to part with to help a person in need -- or maybe get him or her off your back.

The truth is, many people are intimidated by the handful of people in the Twin Cities who resort to begging on the streets, especially those who are aggressive in their efforts. They feel less safe in their community.

The idea for this public-awareness campaign came from Kevin MacLean, director of homeless services for Our Father's House in Fitchburg. You might find some irony in the fact that the region's biggest homeless advocate is urging you not to give money to beggars, but MacLean confirms what many people suspect -- that any money panhandlers collect goes not toward food or housing but for alcohol or drugs.

Fitchburg Police Chief Ernest Martineau agreed with MacLean.


"We can say with 99 percent certainty that it's not going toward food or housing," said Martineau. "The only way to control it is for people to stop giving money (and) we need the public's help with this."

Posters MacLean created to spread the word about the campaign urge people to instead consider giving to a local charity that helps the homeless.

Still, people who were raised to give to the poor might struggle with this campaign. After all, Jesus preached that "... as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Not a few Christians who look in the eyes of a panhandler see the face of Christ.

Nonetheless, we believe MacLean and Martineau when they say that giving money to panhandlers does not help them at all; rather, it keeps them on the streets, addicted to alcohol and drugs, and living under bridges.

Trust MacLean and Martineau's instincts if not your own: Just say no to panhandlers.

Read more: http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com...#ixzz4BKaQojn4

VA-Mach1 06-11-2016 11:47 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
I agree. It's getting out of hand. Every day, every corner. People with a sign. Clean shaven, well dressed, name brand shoes. When I was a kid every once in a while I would see a truly homeless person outside of a store asking for cash. Long hair and beard, holes in clothes, could smell them from 10 feet away. Someone like that I used to give a couple of bucks to, but these D-Bags on the corners trying to make a witty sign to get money instead of spending that same amount of time working just gets on my nerves.

Thunderbolt 06-12-2016 01:26 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
They can supposedly afford to buy a car, but can't afford the gas to put in it, and they're smoking $7.00 a pack cigarettes. Wake up people. Does that make any sense?

falcongtho3 06-12-2016 08:31 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
Some years ago I watched one walk away from his 'post', only to get into a very new Firebird and drive away. The latest version around here is to actually come up to people in grocery store parking lots with, all with a similar story. I tell them I don't carry cash, only plastic. They get less friendly and storm off.


bluoval 06-12-2016 09:41 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
Yes I have given money before and it's likely I will do it again. It's my money and my choice, right? Save your judgment, please. I follow my heart and have no regrets. You think you have it bad, there are thousands of children (yes, in this country) who are homeless and need our support. Take me an hour to explain the circumstances. Yes, even you could be homeless someday. Those who never believe it will happen to them could be first in line with an unwelcomed awakening. Bless you all and go bless someone else.

falcongtho3 06-12-2016 11:04 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
A very good point and I have given to many in need, but I won't go into detail about who nor why. Those are my choices. In my position at my shop I can also give back to those who come in my store who aren't really in a position to take care of their vehicles properly. I don't give away the store, but don't beat up on people who need that little break. I do tell them that if they can to pay it forward.


NastyNate 06-12-2016 11:20 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
its horrible in Sacramento. People get mad at you when you DONT give them money! I just ignored people talking to me because they all have some kinda story that makes them the VICTIM! I have given money on the VERY RARE occasion. The last time some guy needed gas and had a bunch of random sockets and wrenches we was trying to sell. We wanted $5...so i gave him $10. At least the guy wasnt begging...he was actually trying to offer something in return. I can understand that! I cant fathom an able bodied person begging for money!

Thunderbolt 06-12-2016 11:25 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by bluoval (Post 1619934)
Yes I have given money before and it's likely I will do it again. It's my money and my choice, right? Save your judgment, please. I follow my heart and have no regrets. You think you have it bad, there are thousands of children (yes, in this country) who are homeless and need our support. Take me an hour to explain the circumstances. Yes, even you could be homeless someday. Those who never believe it will happen to them could be first in line with an unwelcomed awakening. Bless you all and go bless someone else.

Are you serious? So giving your money to someone outside of a convenience store is gonna help starving kids?? You want to help starving kids, then give your money to a charity that helps starving kids.

Yeah, I could very well be broke and homeless real soon. You know why? Because I'm having to pay thousands of dollars out of my pocket to pay for my kidney disease. Unlike people that don't work and the working man has to pay their health costs, since I have a job and work, I'm suppose to pay my medical bills no matter what. I don't get to just walk away from the health bills like they do. I've already sold my Mach 1. And I get to look forward to the cost I'm gonna have to pay for a $500,000 kidney transplant. I'll switch places with a street person anyday. All I would have to do is go out and get a job. They can try and walk in my shoes and be in my situation. Think they'd want to trade? Save your holier than thou talk.

bluoval 06-12-2016 11:40 AM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
Just remember there's always someone better or worse off than us. You don't know me or the curve balls I've been dealt in life. I choose to keep them to myself because it's personal. No holier than thou attitude here - my ego and pride in check today. Before you sell all your possessions to pay for your ever increasing medical costs, hospital charities might be able to offset some of those financial hits. I love my country but fear my government - sure you can trust our government - just ask any Native American Indian.

falcongtho3 06-12-2016 01:01 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1619941)
Are you serious? So giving your money to someone outside of a convenience store is gonna help starving kids?? You want to help starving kids, then give your money to a charity that helps starving kids.

Yeah, I could very well be broke and homeless real soon. You know why? Because I'm having to pay thousands of dollars out of my pocket to pay for my kidney disease. Unlike people that don't work and the working man has to pay their health costs, since I have a job and work, I'm suppose to pay my medical bills no matter what. I don't get to just walk away from the health bills like they do. I've already sold my Mach 1. And I get to look forward to the cost I'm gonna have to pay for a $500,000 kidney transplant. I'll switch places with a street person anyday. All I would have to do is go out and get a job. They can try and walk in my shoes and be in my situation. Think they'd want to trade? Save your holier than thou talk.


Thunderbolt 06-12-2016 01:01 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by bluoval (Post 1619942)
Just remember there's always someone better or worse off than us. You don't know me or the curve balls I've been dealt in life. I choose to keep them to myself because it's personal. No holier than thou attitude here - my ego and pride in check today. Before you sell all your possessions to pay for your ever increasing medical costs, hospital charities might be able to offset some of those financial hits. I love my country but fear my government - sure you can trust our government - just ask any Native American Indian.

I have no idea what the government has to do with this topic. Yeah, I'm still vertical and can still get around, but like yesterday, when a 20 year old punk is asking me for money and his only problem is laziness, then I have a problem with that. Do I want people's sympathy? F--- NO! Have I found religion because of this? Hell No! Whatever happens to me, happens. I can't change anything. So many people want a hand-out, or they lash out at society as having it so bad. I want nothing. I'll suck up my situation and do it all on my own. That's the real problem with today's society. A bunch of whiney pussies.

littlemags 06-12-2016 01:13 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1619944)
I have no idea what the government has to do with this topic. Yeah, I'm still vertical and can still get around, but like yesterday, when a 20 year old punk is asking me for money and his only problem is laziness, then I have a problem with that. Do I want people's sympathy? F--- NO! Have I found religion because of this? Hell No! Whatever happens to me, happens. I can't change anything. So many people want a hand-out, or they lash out at society as having it so bad. I want nothing. I'll suck up my situation and do it all on my own. That's the real problem with today's society. A bunch of whiney pussies.

Have to agree with ya on that. I live in Ann Arbor and see the same rotation of "homeless" people on the corners. One of my customers is the director of our local outreach program that helps homeless and the local authority just built a 300 bed facility to get people off the street. Guess what? He said they can't even get it to half capacity. Ann Arbor has one of the largest collection of homeless people in the state due to being a welcome city and more than 70% don't want help. (Per what he said). it is an epidemic of people living on handouts. I have an open ad in caeervuilder, indeed, Craigslist, and two local papers looking for employees. Guess what? Either they can't pass a simple drug test or don't want to work full time. It is amazing that people say there are no jobs out there but won't quit smoking weed for 30 days to get a job.

DSG2003Mach1 06-12-2016 01:20 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
If it's at a store I will offer to buy them food, no booze. I haven't been taken up on it yet

Thunderbolt 06-12-2016 02:26 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by bluoval (Post 1619942)
I love my country but fear my government - sure you can trust our government - just ask any Native American Indian.

If you want to bring the government into this, look at it this way. Only 40% of this country pays taxes. You've got 60% of this country putting zilch in the Till. So the 40% is flipping the bill for the 60% that are sitting back in their Lazy-Boy paid for by the working man in the form of welfare, food stamps, SSI and other stuff I don't even know about, and I only know how to work to get what I have.

Thunderbolt 06-12-2016 02:28 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by DSG2003Mach1 (Post 1619948)
If it's at a store I will offer to buy them food, no booze. I haven't been taken up on it yet

That's classic.

Bill Hamilton 06-12-2016 02:57 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
I've done it and I've walked away from them at times too. I have a friend who cares $5 coupons in his wallet for MacDonald's. If he truly thinks they're hungry he'll give them a coupon.

Humorous story:
Several years ago my wife and I had stopped at a 7/11 type gas station and it was raining lightly. There was a what appeared to be a homeless couple huddled up on the sidewalk with a small kitten giving it milk out of a small container they had just bought. They looked like they could use a bath and a change of clean clothes and had all their belongings in plastic Walmart bags around them. They didn't ask for any thing but noticed my wife looking at their kitten while I was refueling her vehicle. They walked over so my wife could pet the kitten as I finish up the refueling and then went back up against the building as I go into her car.

My wife and I looked at each other and practically said at the same time, "How much pocket money you have?" I had like $18 and she had like $7. So she called the man over and said, "I'd like to give you some money for your cat", trying to sound nice and pay for some food and such.

The fellow got a surprised looked on his face and said, "Oh no, Ma'am our cat is not for sale".

My wife then said, "Oh no, this is for you to get your cat some food and milk".

He looked greatly relived as he thanked us for the money and we drove away. :)

Mach351 06-12-2016 05:07 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
with vagrants at least there is an option to say no and walk the other way.
I don't really care what other folks do with their money, but enough of what I work for is extorted by the government in taxes and spent on types of long-term welfare I do not approve of that I choose not to contribute more.
how a person with no "W2 job" can get a federal "tax refund" (i.e. EIC) when they have not paid a cent in baffles the he!! out of me.

I did randomly give a young couple we sat next to at a baseball game a chunk of cash. No idea why really. Probably because i'm a glutton at games and noticed the guy only had $2 in his wallet. When my wife left for something I handed him $xx and told him to take his girlfriend out to eat or something. They didn't want it and tried to shove it back. So I guilted them into it by saying they would hurt my feelings if they didn't take it and then got up to walk around.

Bill Hamilton 06-12-2016 07:20 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by Mach351 (Post 1619959)
with vagrants at least there is an option to say no and walk the other way.
I don't really care what other folks do with their money, but enough of what I work for is extorted by the government in taxes and spent on types of long-term welfare I do not approve of that I choose not to contribute more.
how a person with no "W2 job" can get a federal "tax refund" (i.e. EIC) when they have not paid a cent in baffles the he!! out of me.

I did randomly give a young couple we sat next to at a baseball game a chunk of cash. No idea why really. Probably because i'm a glutton at games and noticed the guy only had $2 in his wallet. When my wife left for something I handed him $xx and told him to take his girlfriend out to eat or something. They didn't want it and tried to shove it back. So I guilted them into it by saying they would hurt my feelings if they didn't take it and then got up to walk around.

See, we all have our soft spots and we just have to pick and choose the ones we think we can make, even a small difference with.

A tax refund to a person who paid no taxes really upsets me too. Let the government give them milk, eggs, bread, and other staples but not a credit card they can use nearly anywhere.

I'll bite my tongue and shut up now before we get too deep into this and my head explodes. (LOL) :smokin:

not a gt 06-12-2016 08:20 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
No, but out here in the country we don't have this issue, we trade stuff (blueberries for squash, etc), and people down on there luck are taken care of thru the church.

NastyNate 06-13-2016 09:07 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by Bill Hamilton (Post 1619964)
See, we all have our soft spots and we just have to pick and choose the ones we think we can make, even a small difference with.

A tax refund to a person who paid no taxes really upsets me too. Let the government give them milk, eggs, bread, and other staples but not a credit card they can use nearly anywhere.

I'll bite my tongue and shut up now before we get too deep into this and my head explodes. (LOL) :smokin:

The tax refund LARGER than mine for someone with NO Income drives me INSANE!!

Tom Yancy 06-16-2016 01:40 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
Sometime yes and sometimes no. Most of the time no to the people standing at the intersection with a sign begging for money. I once saw a news report about how much some of these people make a year doing nothing but this. They were anything but homeless. Some may be real, but I'd say the overwhelming majority are not. I see them with dogs, on a leash, well fed and well groomed. I see them wearing nice shoes and nice clothes, and with backpacks and water bottles of very good quality, all of which costs money. I don't buy it and I think it's a pretty lousy way to be if you are out there begging when you could get a job and you aren't at the end of your rope.

I have, however, had people approach me and ask for money, and I have given to them before, as well as turning them down before. You just have to use your own judgement. If I was wrong and they were lying about their circumstances, then that's on them and not me, my conscience is clear.

Tom Yancy 06-16-2016 01:47 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?

Originally Posted by not a gt (Post 1619965)
No, but out here in the country we don't have this issue, we trade stuff (blueberries for squash, etc), and people down on there luck are taken care of thru the church.

That's a good point as well. We have churches that give away food all over the place here. They have a certain day that you can go and "shop" there, and it is free. One day this place is doing it, another day that one is doing it. I find that most people who are really in need, won't ask for anything, and most who are asking (begging) aren't really the ones that need it or are the ones who only need it because they aren't willing to work for it. "Most" of the time, and man who has worked his whole life for everything he's ever had, will always find a way to get by without needing to beg a stranger for a hand out. Notice I said "most".

Bill Hamilton 06-16-2016 02:16 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
My best "handout" story was about 10 years ago.

My wife and I had just parked the car and were walking up to the restaurant about 7:30 in the evening. This young guy comes peddling up on a bicycle in his early 20's. He says,"I ain't gonna lie to you, but I need $17.52 to get a hotel room across the street", pointing at a $29.99 sign over a budget motel. He then continued, "I just got out of prison for a drug bust and I have a job interview in the morning. I need $17.52 more to get a motel room, take a shower, and get a good nights sleep for my interview."

This was the best story I every heard from someone looking for a handout. It was so far out there, I figured it had to be true (LOL). I gave him a $20 bill and pointed to a McDonalds and said for him to get something to eat also. I also said pay it forward when you get the chance.

Sometimes you have to take a chance and hope for the best.

Tom Yancy 06-16-2016 05:34 PM

Re: Do You Give Money To Street People?
The last one I gave money to was an older gentleman at Walmart. He approached me in the parking lot and commented on the Mach 1, told me about one he had when he was a teenager. Then he tells me that he hates to ask, but he lives in a town that is quite a drive from me, and he had gotten a call that his daughter was in a serious accident and to come quick. He said he left in a hurry and left his wallet at home. He had enough gas to make it to where she is but didn't know how he would get home after that. He had no family to help him anywhere near where we were or where he was going. He was well dressed, and driving a well kept Toyota Camry. I wondered in my mind if he was telling the truth, and decided that if he were and I turned my back on him, I couldn't really live with that. If he was lying, well, he'd have to live with himself. I gave him what I had, which was 20 bucks. He was extremely grateful and surprised, and said he would send me the money back as soon as he got home, which I told him there was no need. I wouldn't have given him the money if I didn't have it to give, and I don't give money to people and expect to get it back. We said goodbye, I wished him and his daughter well, and he got in his car and drove away. I think it was just the right thing to do in this instance, but it doesn't really matter.

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