View Full Version : AZ Dust Storms

08-19-2004, 05:57 PM
Hey does anybody else here in the Valley Think that these dust storms we've been having SUCK! Just venting....have a great day.

08-20-2004, 11:20 AM
I've lived here my entire life and believe me they aren't as bad as they used to be. They stilll suck though :mad: Gotta clean the pool now, gotta clean the car now etc.
The rain is nice though ;)

08-20-2004, 11:54 AM
I've only been here in Sierra Vista for a month now, and ppl here say we don't get them, so I'll hold my breath........not!
I was in Iraq for a year though, and we got them just about every day, and it sucked big time.
When we first drove out this way from S.C., and on the way thru N.M it was sand storms, rain, and hail the entire way from Texas/N.M. border to N.M/AZ. border on I-10, then it was like somebody turned off a switch. All of the bad weather stopped, the sun was out, it was warm and pleasant. Kinda freakie though:??:

San Pedro Mach
08-21-2004, 03:02 AM
They suck for your car, but are cool to watch! Living in Tucson for a year I seen and driven thru a few myself.

I stil drive about twice a year to & from Tucson to visit friends and just hang out. They start popping up as soon as I go from I-8 onto I-10 at Casa Grande.

08-27-2004, 11:01 AM
Being caught in the nasty ones can suck, but they don't bother me as I'm usually inside when they happen.