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11-09-2010, 06:44 PM
Lose weight eating snacks all day lmao


11-10-2010, 03:36 AM
That's kind of disgusting, but I can't say I'm surprised.

If you've seen Supersize Me, you've seen the guy that eats two big macs a day and has better cholesterol numbers than most.

I've had a hunch for a while that keeping calories low (without starving yourself, but less than the 2500 daily calories bs) is the only practical way to keep the weight down (You could run thirty miles & lift four hours every week, but that's not practical for most). Maybe another trick is to keep the diet predictable. Think about asian cuisine--a whole lot of the same kinds of food--and the corresponding obesity levels in those countries. Or the two-big-macs-a-day guy. He's skinny, and healthy.

11-10-2010, 09:45 AM
Here is the funny part... nowhere in this article did it mention he also at vegetables and took vitamins daily. I honestly hope people don't try this just on the premise it is ok to ONLY eat shitty foods.

IF ALL he ate was those sugary foods, I would argue the test sample was too small and I would like to see it over an extended period of time on different subjects. Since this wasn't the case... who cares?

Can you lose weight by moderation and eating multiple times a day? YES, it speeds up your metabolism.

11-10-2010, 10:20 AM
Oh def. I think that his weight loss contributed to the sole fact that he probably ate a **** load less calories than he used to.

In any situation it will happen. Then the plateu starts. I wonder how his body will react to normal food again like meats and suchh

11-10-2010, 12:33 PM
"He also took a multivitamin pill and drank a protein shake daily. And he ate vegetables, typically a can of green beans or three to four celery stalks. (para. 11)"

Sure ain't 3-5 servings, though.

11-10-2010, 02:25 PM
Yes, It is misleading regardless of serving size. That puts doubt into my mind what and how much of what he ate. Almost as dumb as the cookie diet, atkins diets, etc etc.

11-10-2010, 04:49 PM
calorie output > calorie input

basic formula

Just can't eat the **** food and only count calories.

11-10-2010, 04:53 PM
Nice to see my alma mater producing quality info--in a sense though, he's right. Try tracking your daily calorie intake sometime--it's way more than 1800cals--I guarantee it. Some people get in the mistaken mindset--I'll eat green beans and salad with my 16oz tbone and slathered baked potato and that'll counterbalance everything.

11-11-2010, 08:11 AM
Guys... losing weight and being healthy are 2 different things. Eat what you want. Don't ***** about the problems you encounter from it later on in your life.

If you don't consume enough nutrients then your body will start to shut down. Why do you think people who did the protein only no carb diet had a hard time with sustaining energy levels. Eff it, just become anorexic or bulimic if you want to. You will lose a bunch of weight.

I have nothing else to add. This article like a bunch of people telling you to put blower on your car and crank up the boost, and you have the one guy in the corner telling you to slow down becasue it is not a long term/ safe solution...

Good luck :crazy:

11-11-2010, 10:05 AM
I've never been a fan of diets, but I decided to lose some weight this summer. All I did was cut back the portions of what I was already eating and mixed in some cardio a few days a week. In just a couple of months I was down 25lbs (200 down to 175). Well this last month or so I have pretty much done 0 exercise, but I'm still eating smaller portions and so far I haven't gained any, in fact I might have lost a couple. I'm still eating all the good food I like, usually an unhealthy lunch (mexican food, steak, hamburgers, BBQ, pizza etc.) and then 3-4 times a week I'll try and have grilled chicken and vegetables for dinner.

11-12-2010, 03:15 AM
I just feel like nutrition is a pseudoscience at this point. The press is constantly putting out articles about how *insert edible item or eating habit* is good for you, oh wait--it causes cancer--oh, nm, it prolongs your life and gives you superpowers...ad infinitum.

Some people smoke and drink every day of their adult life and live to be ninety. I'll enjoy my delicious red meat and processed foods while I still have the ability, and maybe I'll get lucky and live longer than I expect (but is a few more years in the nursing home really something to get excited about?).